Trust Job Opportunities

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Why join us?

Teachers and support staff joining us will experience excellence in:

  • Our model for staff well-being;
  • Our effective systems and approaches to leadership, teaching, pastoral care and behaviour management;
  • Our Initial Teacher Training in Trust-wide school placement with significant development and enrichment opportunities, as part of our Trust Teaching School and its partner;
  • Our professional development where each teacher, leader and support staff member can engage in our TRET Professional Growth Plan at each stage in their career, taking advantage of the opportunities for developing their pedagogical content, subject pedagogical content, leadership development and support staff expertise;
  • Our opportunities to learn from and contribute to specialist-subject expertise in our TRET Hubs (subject-specific cross-cutting teams across the local schools in the Trust)
  • Helping us to shape the culture and quality of our school and the Trust in which it is a key leader.

The following vacancies are currently available;

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More Information

If you need to contact us please see our contact page