Governance Protocols

The Tame River Educational Trust has three tiers of governance, to support, challenge and hold the CEO and Headteachers to account, and to ensure that the Trust operates in line with its chartitable status and the seven principles of public life.

The Members meet twice a year. They set the overall purpose, ethos, and strategic direction of the Trust, and have the power to make key appointments to ensure that these are upheld. No Trust growth can happen without their approval.

The Trust Board meets no less than four times a year and forms the board of directors of the charity, overseeing the day-to-day running of the Trust. It approves policies and procedures, and holds the CEO and Executive to account for performance and outcomes across our schools. It is assisted in this work by the Executive and two Trust Board committees. The Audit Committee checks that the Trust complies with all relevant legal obligations and regulations, both financially and operationally. The Finance and Talent Committee recommends an annual budget and reports on how well this is being met during the course of the year. It also plans and implements, with Finance, the Trust’s Talent HR strategy on the recruitment, development, training, well-being and retention of the schools’ staff.

Local Governing Bodies meet not less than four times a year and examine the performance and culture of each school in detail, supporting, challenging and holding the Headteachers to account and making recommendations to the Trust Executive as appropriate. Our Local Governing Bodies also scrutinise, throughout each year Executive Scorecards which report on all Trust schools: we believe that the opportunity to compare the performance of similar schools makes for more informed and successful local governance.

The Trust Scheme of Delegation and Register of Interests are available in our TRET library.

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