Curriculum Models

In line with our approach to aligned autonomy, the Scheme of Delegation (please refer) delegates responsibility for the setting and review of the school curriculum to each school and its Local Governing Body. Each school will have regard to any views of the Trust Executive and Board in recognition of the Mission of the Trust, including the Core Educational Purposes, as well as its obligation to the Secretary of State to provide:

A broad and balanced curriculum, ambitious for all (including for the least advantaged, those with Special Educational Needs and those Looked After and in Care) that remains so for as many students as possible for as long as possible and which provides curricular and co-curricular cultural capital opportunity and entitlement.

The Curriculum of each Trust school will have a clear set of intents, will be taught in subject specialisms and will teach to at least the National Curriculum.   The Key Stage 3 curriculum will be taught to Years 7-9 and Key Stage 4 to Years 10-11.  Please refer to each school’s Curriculum Model and Intent for details.

Each school’s curriculum will be: coherently planned and carefully sequenced; academically and technically rigorous; and, adapted well for students with special educational needs. Our students, at the right age and stage, will be exposed to the best that has been thought, said and written. We call this the acquisition of Powerful Knowledge.

We offer Education with Substance in the following 7 domains, to guarantee breadth, depth and balance for all:

  1. Linguistic
  2. Mathematical
  3. Scientific
  4. Human and Social
  5. Technological
  6. Aesthetic and Creative
  7. Physical

We offer Education with Character and Culture in the taught curriculum and wider curriculum (beyond the classroom):


Learning, Service, Participation and Leadership within and beyond the classroom and the school.

Co-Curricular and Culture:

Enrichment, Educational Visits and visiting artists, performers and speakers.

Life (and Society) Skills:  

Personal, Social & Health Education, Careers’ Education, Information & Guidance (according to the Gatsby Principles), Citizenship (including British Values) and Relationships & Sex Education

Our whole school educational offer and our subject schemes of learning describe what our learners will know, understand and be able to do in each year and by the end of each key stage.

Angela Wood – Trust Curriculum and Impact Lead

The curriculum models in all TRET schools are designed to allow the full National Curriculum to be delivered fully at both KS3 and KS4.   The sequencing of this curriculum also allows for some topics to be covered in more depth.   Each school has the autonomy to create its own curriculum but this must ensure that all students, including SEND and the disadvantaged, have full access to their National Curriculum entitlement.  The design of the KS4 curriculum must also ensure that all students are able to move on to the next stage of their education with appropriate qualifications. 

At KS3 all students study Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Life Skills,  Dance, Drama, Music, Art, Technology, Food & Nutrition and a Modern Foreign Language.  All these subjects can be studied in more depth at KS4, with an emphasis on students choosing the EBACC suite of qualifications. There are also a number of vocational subjects offered at KS4 for students wishing to follow those qualifications. 

In all TRET schools there is a heavy focus on Literacy, Reading and English. This ensures all students are able to access the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Students are not permanently withdrawn from lessons to complete ‘catch up’ or intervention work as this is designed to run alongside the full curriculum. 

The timetabled curriculum is also supported by our ‘Electives Programme’ and an extensive co-curricular offer which is available to all students. 

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