Early Career Teaching

As part of our ECT pathway, we recruit and develop teachers to begin in their first and second year of teaching to teach and receive Early Career Framework further professional development in innovative, well-ordered and ambitious Trust schools, through the following route:

  • You would apply, be interviewed and appointed by Tame River Educational Trust to work in one of our schools.
  • You would teach in your specialist subject, supported by your Subject Mentor, the School’s Professional Mentor, and Faculty Leaders. You would be expected to contribute to a co-curricular club or programme.
  • You would receive around 20% preparation, planning and assessment time (double that of our other teachers) and would teach in one of our schools in your specialist subject for around 80% of each week.
  • You would also receive school-based professional development in teaching to the Tame River Teacher Gold Standard.   This programme of school-based continuing professional development draws on the best, recent national and international research in how to teach with high impact. Our gold standard program covers:
    • Being in Charge
    • High Impact Teaching
    • Assessing Well
    • Strong Curriculum Planning and Delivery
    • Teaching Literacy as part of the Trust’s Power of Language Strategy.
  • You would also receive time with your Subject Mentor each week to prepare the week ahead and reflect on ‘what’s going well’ and ‘even better if’ in your teaching.  Each half-term you would also receive time with the school’s Professional Mentor and have time to share and compare notes with other Early Career Teachers in the Trust.
  • You would receive all the benefits of Early Career Teachers for your first two years of teaching as part of the University College, London’s (UCL) Early Career Framework which is hosted in the school, the Trust and in partnership with our delivery partner the East Manchester Teaching Hub.

Ms E  Fitzpatrick – Teacher of English – Droylsden Academy

As a second-year ECT at Droylsden Academy, I couldn’t have asked for a more nurturing and supportive community of educators to begin my career with. Not only are they deeply passionate about education, but they also wholeheartedly commit to continuous professional development for all staff.

Working alongside such talented colleagues from across the TRET has been a privilege, and their knowledge and experience were evident from day one. From our weekly departmental meetings to our teaching and learning briefings on the ‘Teacher Gold Standard,’ I’ve consistently felt supported and celebrated.

Overall, my journey as an ECT at a TRET school has been truly transformative. As I reflect on my development so far, it’s evident that Droylsden Academy has played a pivotal role in shaping a promising and fulfilling future in the teaching profession.

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