National Professional Qualifications

The Tame River Teaching and Curriculum Institute works in partnership with the University College London (UCL) and the East Manchester Teaching School Hub (EMTSH).

UCL is a DfE-accredited provider of the Specialist and Leadership National Professional Qualifications.  Our TCI is a key player in the East Manchester Teaching School Hub who is the delivery partner for UCL in hosting the NPQs.  Some of our Institute leaders are national trainers and facilitators for the NPQ programmes, including the National Professional Qualification for Headship.

We know that great school leadership is one of the main driving factors in changing young people’s lives.

The training programmes offered by our Trust, the EMTSH and the UCL’s Centre for Educational Leadership are the specialist and leadership NPQs.  Each year, teachers and leaders in our Trust are eligible and/ or recommended to apply through the Trust to undertake one of the National Professional Qualifications.

If their application is approved, the Trust will ensure a portion of time is allotted to allow our colleagues to complete their training.

For more information, simply click the link, here, to the EMTSH

Local Delivery Partner – the East Manchester Teaching School Hub

The East Manchester Teaching School Hub is a school-led centre of excellence for teacher training and development.

The Teaching School Hub provides high-quality professional development to teachers and leaders at all stages of their careers across the region. We exist for children and young people, building their future through great teaching, great schools and great leadership.

For more information, simply click the link, here, to UCL

National Professional Qualifications Overview

The qualifications are designed and delivered through a collaborative partnership between UCL, EMTH (our local delivery partner) and the Tame River Educational Trust.

Together, UCL and school partners have drawn on their leadership professional learning expertise to design the current programmes ensuring they are informed by research and practice.

Specialist NPQs

  • NPQ Leading Teaching (NPQLT) – designed for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.
  • NPQ Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) – designed for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. They may have responsibilities for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically trainees or teachers who are early in their career.
  • NPQ in Leading Literacy (NPQLL)

Reformed Leadership NPQs

  • NPQ Senior Leadership (NPQSL) – designed for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities. 
  • NPQ Headship (NPQH) – designed for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.
  • NPQH Early Headship Coaching Offer
  • NPQ in Executive Leadership (NPQEL)

Additional Support Offer for New Headteachers – This bespoke programme consists of tailored resources, coaching and peer networking opportunities to support ongoing professional development and wellbeing. The additional support offer is designed for those in their first two years of headship who:

  • are currently taking the existing NPQH
  • or have completed an NPQH in the past and within their first 2 years of headship.

Mike Eade – NPQ Facilitator

My role is an NPQ facilitator for the NPQ for Leading Teaching as part of the East Manchester Teaching School Hub.  I work with teachers and curriculum leaders across East Manchester who are leading change initiatives in their own schools. 

I have been facilitating for the NPQ since 2021 and have taken 2 cohorts through their Leading Teaching NPQ.  As part of the role I have delivered face to face and online seminars where I have led training, and facilitated peer learning groups where participants plan and deliver a school improvement project in their own schools.  This is one of the responsibilities I value the most in my current role.

I am required to understand educational research as I deliver the NPQ, and implementation science as I lead on how to plan, deliver and evaluate effective change in a school.  I believe this work benefits the students across a far wider area than just my own classroom. 

More Information

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